Friday, June 10, 2011

How to learn guitar

 First to choose a good textbook.

A good textbook is a good teacher, especially well suited for this type of guitar is the instrument self.important, I recommend Chuan Liu materials.
Particularly want to say here, do not casually use the market the so-called folk guitar special materials, they are mostly simple pop chord exercise + and the like with a good model, in addition to money making, the no help should be Some of the effect of laying the foundation.
Of course, there are only a guitar that's playing its own technology, the allocation for the chords and the mood to grasp, etc., depends entirely on your level of music theory training.

How to learn guitar two: either to find teachers

If you can find a high level of teachers, then of course the better. If you have friends in this area is a "pioneer" that can be, how high their levels are not required, but the basic method of hand-and transport means necessarily correct. Introduction to the basic movements as the most critical time, if the fundamentals down, then the future will not be detours.

If you use the best materials like this, you can teach yourself.
In addition to formal technical requirements, learning guitar is most important is atmosphere. If you can find a few like-minded friends together and practice, you can always maintain an enthusiastic, more likely to stick to it. Think back to college with several people in the dormitory bathroom cat training hard in the case, really passionate! It is also the most improved time.

How to learn guitar three: Reasonable arrangements for practicing time

For an amateur, time arrangement is a headache and had to carefully deal with. Unreasonable schedule allows you to be less effective.
We know that playing skills to master in essence is in accordance with the requirements of musical expression, through the nerves controlling the muscles, through constant practice and gradually form an effective process of conditioned reflex, which is the amount of accumulation takes a long time. If the practice time to achieve their requirements, you can not complete the transformation from quantity to quality.

Practice time mentioned here consists of two aspects, first, the duration of each practice, and second, the frequency of practice, that practice the exercises and the next interval of time. The following arrangements for everyone to make a reference:

1, for starters, what the practice has little time requirements of each practice is not much, usually an hour is enough; for exercise frequency, my experience is to practice every day, it would not have time The minimum requirement is to practice the next day and can not be less.

2, for the primary to intermediate and advanced into the stage, to practice the skills more, each practice must ensure that two consecutive hours or more, the longer the better, of course, the situation can be seen resting between 5 to 10 minutes; to day training, no matter how busy we should try to take the time, for a period of time to reach a new level.

3, reached a considerable level, the time of the request for a not too strict requirements. Generally two to three times a week practicing time, every half hour or more on it. But for the classical guitar, if difficult to break through a particular skill, such as "round means", and that a period of years in local practice time should be longer, increasing exercise frequency, reference 2.

In addition, it is best practice to a regular time each day in order to develop the law.

How to learn guitar four: How to protect your fingers

Finger is a guitarist's most valuable asset. Attentive care of your fingers, do not just let them be a little hurt.


1, if you accidentally cut your finger, and must go to the hospital for regular anti-inflammatory, ensuring that it does not further infection, must not leave any scars!

2, the beginner will usually feel pain in the fingers, especially the left hand fingers, and even finger blisters. This is a very difficult thing to avoid, in general, finger pain will disappear in about a week to avoid blisters on your fingers, the fingers should be felt in each practice to immediately stop the pain, slightly, the next day to practice. However, the blisters can speed up the finger to some extent to adapt to the strings, so once a blister do not be nervous, just to stop the finger exercises, and then trained until the blisters subsided line. Generally speaking, once from the blisters never renewed the future, unless you really lazy, did not practice more than a few months, then .....

3, the control finger exercise. Do not practice too much, especially too early to practice some advanced techniques Meng, otherwise it is easy to finger injuries. A standard is: If there sore knuckles, then immediately stop the practice, and so returned to practice.

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